this is the final issue of Midrange Developer for 2002, I thought I would
give you a little gift. This issue includes a full-functioning procedure that
performs a certain task and returns a value to the caller. The function that is
performed is one that I've needed frequently in RPG, so I decided to write it
myself rather than wait for the compiler to do it.
In my experience writing C++ applications for Windows and Linux, I've had the
need for a Find/Replace function time and time again. In the world of OS/400 and
RPG, I've needed one very frequently in some of the tools that I use. Sure,
there are plenty of "Find" functions in OS/400, but there are few "Replace"
functions--or more appropriately, few "Find and Replace" functions.
When the year 2000 was a future problem, one of my consulting clients was
paying developers to sit at their desks and modify existing applications by
changing the names of fields in over 1,500 source members. The developers had
gone through nearly 78 programs over a three-week period when I was brought into
the picture.
The client asked me to help with the conversion. Of course, dollar signs
popped into my head, but I told him that he might be better off using a tool to
do this kind of work. At the time, we knew of no such tool, so I gave him a
quote to write it for him. He agreed, and I delivered a command that not only
sought out the old field names, but also replaced the old names with the new
names and was sensitive to RPG's columnar nature. Yes, the new field names were
longer than the original field names.
Today, there is more of a need for a Find/Replace procedure than there is for
a full-scale source scan and replace command. I've often needed to search for a
pattern in a character field and replace it with something else; whether it is
doubling up quotes, removing dashes, or simply changing portions of a street
address. A Find/Replace procedure is very important in my day-to-day programming
RPG IV already does a very good job of using the SCAN opcodes or %SCAN
built-in function. It also does a good job of replacing data using either %SUBST
or the %REPLACE built-in functions. So, to do a simple one-time Find/Replace,
all an RPG IV programmer needs to do is something like this:
.....CSRn01..............OpCode(ex)Extended-factor2+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0001 C eval nPos = %scan(szFindText : szData) 0002 C if nPos > 0 0003 C eval szData = %replace(szReplaceText : szData : 0004 C nPos : nReplaceLen) 0005 C endif
The %scan built-in function on Line 1 searches the field named szData for the
search pattern. The search pattern is stored in the field named szFindText. If
%scan finds a match, the position within szData is returned and stored in the
field named nPos. %SCAN is a case-sensitive scan; upper- and lowercase letters
are taken into account so that, for example, an uppercase M does not
match a lowercase m.
If a match is detected, nPos will be greater than zero (Line 2). Then, on
Line 3, the %Replace built-in function is called to replace the original text
with the new text. The field named szReplaceText (parameter 1) contains the
replacement text--that is, it contains the text that will be inserted into the
szData field (parameter 2). The szReplaceText is inserted into szData beginning
in the positions identified by the nPos field (parameter 3). The fourth
parameter of the %Replace built-in function (nReplaceLen) can be confusing. It
identifies the number of characters in szData that will be deleted from the
szData field--starting with the position specified in the nPos field--before the
szReplaceText is inserted. If this parameter is not specified, then the length
of the szReplaceText parameter is used.
Caveat Emptor: %Scan is case-sensitive only. You'd have to write your own
"ignore case" procedures and convert the database before the scan is performed
if you need that kind of functionality.
The fourth parameter of %Replace is optional, and, if
unspecified, it defaults to the field length of the first parameter. This is
important because the field length is not always the length you want. Often the
desired length is the length of the text in the field. So something like
%Len(%TrimR(szReplaceText)) may be required.
You can delete text from the target field (szData in the example) by using a
variable-length field for the szReplaceText, setting its length to zero, and
then specifying a replacement length.
In the following example, a field is searched for a string of text, and then
that text is deleted from the original field.
0001 C eval nPos = %scan(ToLower(%TrimR(szFindText)) 0002 C : ToLower(szData) ) 0003 C if nPos > 0 0004 C eval szReplaceText = '' 0005 C eval nReplaceLen = %Len(%TrimR(szFindText)) * // Delete some text from the szData field 0007 C eval szData = %replace('' : szData : 0008 C nPos : nReplaceLen) 0009 C endif
By inserting an empty string--via double apostrophes ('')--into the szData
field at the position where the text was found, no new text replaces the old,
and the original text is deleted.
A Better Way to Search and Destroy
I used variations of this type of technique many
times and decided it was time to write a nicely packaged Find and Replace
procedure. Of course, I would prefer a %FindReplace built-in function in the RPG
IV language, but that is still years away. Listed in Figure 1 is the RPG IV
source code for a module named FINDREPL that contains several procedures. The
primary procedure is named FindReplace, and along with it are CvtCase (convert
between upper/lowercase), ToLower (convert to lowercase), and ToUpper (convert
to uppercase).
There are also three include members (aka /COPY's) that are used by the
source listed in Figure 1. All three of these source members should be stored in
the QCPYSRC source file. The source member FindRepl contains the procedure
prototype for the FindReplace procedure, the source member APIErrEx contains two
data structure formats used by OS/400 APIs, and the source member GetOpDesc
contains the prototype for the ILE CEEDOD procedure. These source members are
listed in Figures 2, 3, and 4 respectively.
Find/Replace Parameters
The FindReplace procedure accepts five parameters,
but only the first three are required. The following is a brief description of
each parameter. See the source code for more details.
The Find Text--This is the text that will be searched for in the field
specified for the third parameter. This field may be up to 2048 positions in
length. It is a varying-length field and CONST, so fields that are fixed or
varying-length may be specified with lengths up to 2048 positions.
The Replacement Text--This is the text that will replaced the "Find text"
(parameter 1) in the field specified for the third parameter. This field may be
up to 2048 positions in length. It is a varying-length field and CONST, so
fields that are fixed or varying-length may be specified with lengths of up to
2048 positions. If this parameter is a varying-length field and it is empty
(i.e., its length is equal to zero), then the find text is deleted from the
search field (third parameter).
The Search Field--This parameter identifies the text that will be searched
for the value specified in the find text (first parameter).
Optional Input
Options--This parameter controls the search-and-replace action. Currently,
only two options are supported. FR_MATCHCASE--Performs a case-sensitive
find/replace. Unless this is specified, a case-insensitive find is
performed. FR_FINDFIRST--Locate and replace the first occurrence of the Find
text. By default, all occurrences are located and replaced. This parameter
uses bit patterns to detect the options settings. There are compiler directives
in the code that control whether it is being compiled under OS/400 V5R2 (where
bit-wise operators are built-in). If not under V5R2 or later, then "grunt"
methods are used to check the bit mask.
Optional Output
Replace Count--This field, if specified, is set to the number of
occurrences of the find/replace text. It must be a 4-byte integer field. These
types of fields are normally defined as 10i0 fields.
The Find/Replace procedure source compiles into a module object. The module
may be bound into your programs by copy (as the module itself) or by reference
(stored in a service program). To store it in a service program, use the
CRTSRVPGM command after the CRTRPGMOD command.
Compiling the Find/Replace Procedure
To compile the source, just use the regular option 15
in PDM or set up your compiler setting in CodeStudio to run the following
This command assumes TOOLS is the name of the library where you've stored the
module object.
The Find/Replace procedure is only as fast as the
corresponding %SCAN and %REPLACE built-in functions. So it should perform about
as fast as anything you can write on your own.
So use it, enjoy your holiday, and have a great new year!
0001 H NOMAIN BNDDIR('QC2LE') COPYRIGHT('(c) 2002 by Robert Cozzi, Jr.') 0002 ** (c) 2002 by Robert Cozzi, Jr. All rights reserverd. 0003 ** This is part of the "RPG ToolKit" for OS/400 Version 2. 0004 ** Delete or comment out the following /DEFINE statement 0005 ** when compiling into production. 0006 /DEFINE DEBUG
0007 ** This defines the FR_MODULE symbol. It is used by /IF statements. 0008 ** It allows them to avoid included the imported fields. Since they 0009 ** are exported by this module, they cannot also be imported. 0010 /DEFINE FR_MODULE
0018 ** PRIVATE global variables is used by 0019 ** these procedures. 0020 D m_szCvtData S 32000A 0021 D m_szData S 32000A Varying
0022 ** Prototype for the Convert Case procedure 0023 D CvtCase PR 32000A Varying 0024 D InString 32000A Const Varying 0025 D nOption 10I 0 Const OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
0026 ** Constants used to control conversion to 0027 ** upper or lower case 0028 D CC_TOUPPER C Const(0) 0029 D CC_TOLOWER C Const(1)
0030 ** Control structure used by CvtData for 0031 ** the call to QglConvertCase. 0032 D FRCB DS 0033 D ReqType 10I 0 Inz(1) 0034 D CCSID 10I 0 Inz(0) 0035 D CvtTo 10I 0 Inz(0) 0036 D Reserved 10A Inz(*ALLX'00')
0037 ** Prototype for the QlgConvertCase procedure 0038 D QlgCvtCase PR ExtProc('QlgConvertCase') 0039 D ctrlBlock Like(FRCB) 0040 D inString 32000A Const 0041 D OutString 32000A 0042 D nLength 10I 0 Const 0043 D APIErrorDS Like(API_ErrEx)
0044 ********************************************************* 0045 ** F I N D R E P L A C E - Find and Replace 0046 ********************************************************* 0047 ** Parameters: 0048 ** szFind - (Input) Text to search for 0049 ** szReplace - (Input) Text to use replace 0050 ** (Can be empty) %Len(szReplace) = 0 0051 ** szData - (I/O) Searched/Replace Field 0052 ** bOptions - (Input) Bit flags indicating the 0053 ** type of search/replace to perform. 0054 ** FR_MATCHCASE = Case-sensitive scan 0055 ** FR_WORD - match whole words only 0056 ** (not implemented yet) 0057 ** nCount - (I/O optional) An optional field 0058 ** that will receive the number of 0059 ** find/replace operations performed. 0060 ** 0061 ** Also sets m_nFindReplaceLength 0062 ********************************************************* 0063 ** Return Value: Number of instances replaced 0064 *********************************************************
0065 P FindReplace B Export 0066 D FindReplace PI 32000A Varying 0067 D szFind 2048A Value Varying 0068 D szReplace 2048A Const Varying 0069 D szData 32000A Const Varying 0070 D bOptions 1A Value OPTIONS(*NOPASS) 0071 D nCount 10I 0 OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
0072 ********************************************************* 0073 ** Parameter Number Identifiers 0074 ********************************************************* 0075 D p#_Options C Const(4) 0076 D p#_Count C Const(5) 0077 D p#_Data C Const(3)
0078 ********************************************************* 0079 ** Local variables 0080 ********************************************************* 0081 D szScanData S Like(szData) 0082 D nFLen S 10I 0 0083 D nReplaceLen S 10I 0 0084 D nLen S 10I 0 0085 D nPos S 10I 0 0086 D nStart S 10I 0 0087 D nFindCount S 10I 0 0088 D bMatchCase S 1N Inz(*OFF) 0089 D bMatchFirst S 1N Inz(*OFF)
0090 /IF DEFINED(DEBUG) 0091 ** These are debug variables and are not used by the procedure. 0092 ** To remove them, comment out the /DEFINE DEBUG statement 0093 ** at the beginning of the source member. 0094 D db_Parms S 10I 0 0095 D db_SearchLen S 10I 0 0096 D db_FindLen S 10I 0 0097 /ENDIF
0098 /IF DEFINED(DEBUG) 0099 C Eval db_Parms = %parms 0100 C Eval db_FindLen = %Len(szFind) 0101 C Eval db_SearchLen = %Len(szData) 0102 /ENDIF
0103 C Eval FR_REPLACECNT = 0 0104 C Eval FR_RESULTLEN = 0 0105 C Eval FR_OVERFLOW = *OFF
0106 ** Retrieve the length of the data to be scanned. 0107 C Eval nLen = %Len(szData)
0108 ** The length of the Find pattern (data to search for) 0109 ** is saved and used as the Replacement-string length on 0110 ** the %Replace built-in function. 0111 C Eval nFLen = %Len(szFind) 0112 C Eval nReplaceLen = %Len(szReplace)
0113 C If %Parms >= p#_Options 0114 /IF DEFINED(*V5R2M0) 0115 ** If we're compiling under OS/400 V5R2 or later, then 0116 ** use the %BITAND built-in function to check for control flags. 0117 C if %BitAnd(bOptions : FR_MATCHCASE) = 0118 C FR_MATCHCASE 0119 C Eval bMatchCase = *ON 0120 C endif 0121 C if %BitAnd(bOptions : FR_FINDFIRST) = 0122 C FR_FINDFIRST 0123 C Eval bMatchFirst = *ON 0124 C endif 0125 /ELSE 0126 ** If we're compiling under OS/400 V5R1 or earlier 0127 ** use the TESTB opcode to check for control flags. 0128 C TestB FR_MATCHCASE bOptions 88 0129 C Eval bMatchCase = *IN88 0130 C TestB FR_FINDFIRST bOptions 88
0131 C Eval bMatchFirst = *IN88 0132 /ENDIF 0133 C endif
0134 ** Copy the data to a global variable so that it can be modified 0135 ** and then returned to the caller. 0136 C Eval m_szData = szData
0137 C if NOT bMatchCase 0138 ** If ignoring case, then convert the scan pattern to lower case 0139 ** and the scanned data to lower case. Note only a copy of the 0140 ** scanned data is converted. 0141 C eval szFind = CvtCase(szFind : CC_TOLOWER) 0142 C eval szScanData = CvtCase(m_szData : CC_TOLOWER) 0143 C else 0144 ** If not converting, then just extract the scanned data into 0145 ** the local variable for use by the %scan built-in. 0146 C eval szScanData = m_szData 0147 C endif
0148 ** Use a local variable to contain the scanned data. 0149 ** That way if ignore case is specified, the original data 0150 ** is not converted. 0151 C eval nPos = %scan(szFind : szScanData) 0152 C dow nPos > 0 0153 ** Return the number of times the replacement was made. 0154 C Eval nFindCount = nFindCount + 1
0155 ** Replace the data in the scanned string. 0156 ** Since we can't touch storage outside the scanned field 0157 ** we use %SUBST to only touch the storage we own. 0158 C eval m_szData = %replace(szReplace : m_szData : 0159 C nPos : nFLen) 0160 ** Calculate the next scan's starting position. 0161 ** If this NOT done, a scan/replace the does not change 0162 ** the data could result in a never ending loop. 0163 C eval nStart = nPos + nReplaceLen
0164 ** If we're only matching the first occurance, then we are finished. 0165 C if bMatchFirst 0166 C Leave 0167 C endif 0168 ** We're done with the replacement. If ignore case is specified 0169 ** then we have to convert the scanned data to lower case and 0170 ** extract it into the scanned field for the next pass. 0171 C if NOT bMatchCase 0172 C eval szScanData = CvtCase(m_szData : CC_TOLOWER) 0173 C else 0174 ** If NOT converting to lower case, just copy the data for 0175 ** the next pass through the loop. 0176 C eval szScanData = m_szData 0177 C endif
0178 ** Now rescan the data and if there are still instances, 0179 ** loop back up and do another pass through the replace routine. 0180 C eval nPos = %scan(szFind : szScanData : nStart) 0181 C enddo
0182 ** We return the number of replacements made. Note Zero 0183 ** indicates that no replacements were performed. 0184 ** i.e., the scan pattern was not found. 0185 C if %Parms >= p#_Count 0186 C eval nCount = nFindCount 0187 C endif 0188 C Eval FR_RESULTLEN = %Len(m_szData) 0189 C Eval FR_REPLACECNT = nFindCount 0190 C return m_szData 0191 PFindReplace E
0192 ********************************************************* 0193 ** C V T C A S E - Convert between lower/upper case 0194 ** Parameters: 0195 ** InString - (Input) Text to convert 0196 ** nOption - (Input) Control Option 0197 ** 0 = To Upper 0198 ** 1 = To Lower 0199 ** Return Value: Converted input text. 0200 ** (c) Copyright 2002 by Robert Cozzi, Jr. 0201 ** All rights reserved. 0202 ********************************************************* 0203 P CvtCase B Export 0204 D CvtCase PI 32000A Varying 0205 D InString 32000A Const Varying 0206 D nOption 10I 0 Const OPTIONS(*NOPASS) 0207 D nLen S 10I 0
0208 C Eval nLen = %Len(InString) 0209 C if nLen <= 0 0210 C return '' 0211 C endif
0212 ** Clear the work variable used to return the upper or lower case 0213 ** value to the caller. Note szCvtData is a global variable. 0214 C Eval %Subst(m_szCvtData:1:nLen) = *BLANKS
0215 ** QlgCvtCase uses 0 to convert to upper case, and 1 to convert 0216 ** to lower case. We use the named constants CC_TOUPPER and CC_TOLOWER 0217 ** which are passed into this procedure on the nOption parameter. 0218 ** The parameter value is copied to the FRCB.CvtTo subfield. 0219 C if %Parms >= 2 0220 C Eval CvtTo = nOption 0221 C else 0222 C reset CvtTo 0223 C endif 0224 C CallP QlgCvtCase(FRCB : InString : m_szCvtData : 0225 C nLen : API_ErrEx) 0226 ** Use %subst to return only the converted data to the caller. 0227 ** Since the return value is VARYING, this causes the return values 0228 ** length to be set to the value of the nLen field. 0229 C return %Subst(m_szCvtData : 1 : nLen ) 0230 PCvtCase E
0231 ********************************************************* 0232 ** T O L O W E R - Convert to lower case 0233 ** Parameters: 0234 ** InString - (Input) Text to convert 0235 ** Return Value: Converted input text. 0236 ********************************************************* 0237 P ToLower B Export 0238 D ToLower PI 32000A Varying 0239 D InString 32000A Const Varying 0240 ** This is just a simplified wrapper procedure that 0241 ** calls CvtCase() to convert to lower case. 0242 C Return CvtCase(inString : CC_TOLOWER) 0243 P ToLower E
0244 ********************************************************* 0245 ** T O U P P E R - Convert to upper case 0246 ** Parameters: 0247 ** InString - (Input) Text to convert 0248 ** Return Value: Converted input text. 0249 ********************************************************* 0250 P ToUpper B Export 0251 D ToUpper PI 32000A Varying 0252 D InString 32000A Const Varying 0253 ** This is just a simplified wrapper procedure that 0254 ** calls CvtCase() to convert to upper case. 0255 C Return CvtCase(inString : CC_TOUPPER) 0256 P ToUpper E
Figure 1: FindReplace and supporting procedures' source
********************************************************* ** F I N D R E P L A C E - Find and Replace text ********************************************************* ** Parameters: ** szFind - (Input) Text to search for ** szReplace - (Input) Text to use replace ** (Can be empty) %Len(szReplace) = 0 ** szData - (I/O) Search/Replace Field ** nLen - (Input, optional) Length of the szData ** (third) parameter. If unspecified ** the length if retrieved. ** bOptions - (Input) Bit flags indicating the ** type of search/replace to perform. ** FR_MATCHCASE = Case-sensative scan ** FR_WORD - match whole words only ** (not implemented yet) ** FR_FF - Find first occurrance only. ********************************************************* ** Return Value: Number of instances replaced ********************************************************* D FindReplace PR 32000A Varying D szFind 2048A Value Varying D szReplace 2048A Const Varying D szData 32000A Const Varying D bOptions 1A Value OPTIONS(*NOPASS) D nCount 10I 0 OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
** Find the first occurrance only. D FR_FINDFIRST C Const(X'01') D FR_FF C Const(X'01') ** Find only matching case characters. D FR_MATCHCASE C Const(X'02') D FR_MC C Const(X'02')
************************************************* ** T O U P P E R ** Convert lower to upper case ************************************************* D ToUpper PR 32000A Varying D InString 32000A Const Varying
************************************************* ** T O U P P E R ** Convert upper to lower case ************************************************* D ToLower PR 32000A Varying D InString 32000A Const Varying
Figure 2: FindReplace, ToUpper, ToLower, and CvtCase
/IF NOT DEFINED(API_ERROR_EX) /DEFINE API_ERROR_EX D API_ErrEx DS Inz D errKey 10I 0 D errDSLenEx 10I 0 D errDSRtnLenEx 10I 0 D errDSMsgIDEx 7A D errReservedEx 1A Inz(X'00') D errCCSID 10I 0 D errOffExc 10I 0 D errExcLen 10I 0 D errExcData 64A
/IF NOT DEFINED(API_ERROR) /DEFINE API_ERROR D API_Error DS Inz D errDSLen 10I 0 D errDSRtnLen 10I 0 D errDSMsgID 7A D errReserved 1A Inz(X'00') /ENDIF /ENDIF
Figure 3: API Error Data Structure
/IF NOT DEFINED(CEEDOD) /DEFINE CEEDOD ** Prototype to call CEEDOD to get the length of parameters ** that are passed with OPTIONS(*VARSIZE) ** for example: CallP GetOpDesc(1 : q_dInfo:q_dType:q_dInf1:q_dInf2 C* : nParmLen : *OMIT) D GetOpDesc PR extproc('CEEDOD') D ParmNum 10I 0 const D o_descinf 10I 0 D o_datatype 10I 0 D o_descinf1 10I 0 D o_descinf2 10I 0 D ParmLen 10I 0 D o_errcode 12A OPTIONS(*OMIT)
D q_dInfo S 10I 0 D q_dType S 10I 0 D q_dInf1 S 10I 0 D q_dInf2 S 10I 0 /ENDIF
Figure 4: Get Operational Descriptor (CEEDOD) Prototype
Bob Cozzi is a programmer/consultant, writer/author, and software developer. His popular RPG xTools add-on subprocedure library for RPG IV is fast becoming a standard with RPG developers. His book The Modern RPG Language has been the most widely used RPG programming book for more than a decade. He, along with others, speaks at and produces the highly popular RPG World conference for RPG programmers.
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