Convert Authority Special Values to and Back from MI Authority Bits

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Learn a basic authority-related technique along with a practical Print Private Authorities utility.


In IBM i, there are authority special values defined at the OS level, which are used by authority-related CL commands and APIs, and there are other authority special values defined at the Machine Interface (MI) level, which are used by Authorization Management MI instructions. The meanings of these two sets of authority values are almost identical; however, their representations are far different from each other.


An OS-level authority special value is a 10-byte character string, e.g., *ADD. An MI authority value is 2-byte authority field, e.g., bit 5 of a 2-byte authority field represents Insert authority to an MI object. As you might notice, when these two sets of authority values are used in a same application, methods for conversion between them would be needed. This article will use practical examples to show you one of the possible solutions to convert authority values from the OS level to the MI level and back.

Convert Authority Special Values to MI Authority Values

The Convert Authority Values to MI Value (QSYCVTA) API converts one or more authority special values to the corresponding MI representation of that value. The output 2-byte MI authority value is returned in the first parameter of the QSYCVTA API. The second parameter (authority special values) of the QSYCVTA API can contain up to eleven 10-character fields. Each of the 10-character fields can contain one of the following OS-level authority special values.


Special Value



Add authority.


Authorization list   authority. If this value is specified, no other values can be specified. This   authority value is valid only for *PUBLIC authority on an object secured by   an authorization list.


Authorization list   management authority.


Delete authority.


Execute authority.


Exclude authority.   If this value is specified, no other values can be specified.


Object alter   authority.


Object existence   authority.


Object management   authority.


Object operational   authority.


Object reference   authority.


Read authority.


Update authority.


Use authority.


Change authority.


All authority.


Note that within all the authority values accepted by QSYCVTA, *ADD, *DLT, *READ, *UPD, and *EXECUTE are data authorities, and *OBJALTER, *OBJEXIST, *OBJMGT, *OBJOPR, and *OBJREF are object authorities. *EXCLUDE is both a data authority and an object authority, which means the user is not permitted to access the object. *USE, *CHANGE, and *ALL are system-predefined authority values that are combinations of more than one individual authority values. The following is an example EDTOBJAUT display that shows the composition of these system-predefined authority values.


                             Edit Object Authority




Object . . . . . . . :   SPCX           Owner . . . . . . . :   LJL


   Library . . . . . :   QGPL         Primary group . . . :   *NONE


Object type . . . . :   *USRSPC         ASP device . . . . . :   *SYSBAS




Type changes to current authorities, press Enter.




   Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . .   *NONE




                        Object   ----------Object-----------   ---------------Data---------------


User       Group       Authority Opr Mgt Exist Alter Ref   Read Add Update Delete Execute


*PUBLIC                 *USE       X                            X                           X


X1                     *CHANGE     X                             X     X     X       X       X


X                       *EXCLUDE

X2                     *ALL       X   X     X     X     X     X     X     X      X       X



Also note that *EXCLUDE is different from no authority. For example, if a user does not have private authority to an object, the *PUBLIC authority can be used for the user to access the object; however, if the user has *EXCLUDE private authority to the object, object access will be prohibited.


The following RPG example program (autbits01.rpgle) uses the QSYCVTA API to convert each individual authority special value to the corresponding MI authority values.


     h dftactgrp(*no) bnddir('QC2LE')


     d qsycvta         pr                 extpgm('QSYCVTA')

     d     miaut                       2a

     d     spcval                      10a

     d     numval                     10u   0

     d     ec                           8a

     d cvthc           pr                 extproc('cvthc')

     d                               2a     options(*varsize)

     d                              1a     options(*varsize)

     d                               10u 0 value


     d miaut           s             2a

     d ARRELMT         c                   16

     d                 ds

     d spcvali                     256a   inz(

     d                                    '*OBJEXIST +

     d                                       *OBJMGT   +

     d                                       *OBJOPR   +

     d                                       *READ     +

     d                                     *ADD     +

     d                                       *DLT     +

     d                                       *UPD     +

     d                                       *EXCLUDE +

     d                                       *AUTLMGT +

     d                                    *EXECUTE +

     d                                       *OBJALTER +

     d                                       *OBJREF   +

     d                                       *AUTL     +

     d                                       *USE     +

     d                                       *CHANGE   +

     d                                       *ALL     ')

     d spcval                       10a     dim(ARRELMT)

     d                                       overlay(spcvali)

     d msg             ds                qualified

     d     spcval                     10a

     d                               1a

     d     miaut                       4a

     d num             s             10u 0 inz(1)

     d ec             s             8a     inz(*allx'00')

     d i               s             5u 0



           for i = 1 to ARRELMT;

               qsycvta(miaut : spcval(i) :   num : ec);

               msg.spcval = spcval(i);

               cvthc(msg.miaut : miaut : 4);

               dsply msg '';



           *inlr = *on;



Output of autbits01.rpgle is the following:


     DSPLY   *OBJEXIST 8000

     DSPLY   *OBJMGT   4000

     DSPLY   *OBJOPR   3000

     DSPLY   *READ     0800

     DSPLY   *ADD       0400

    DSPLY   *DLT       0200

     DSPLY   *UPD       0100

     DSPLY   *EXCLUDE   0040

     DSPLY   *AUTLMGT   0020

     DSPLY   *EXECUTE   0010

     DSPLY   *OBJALTER 0008

     DSPLY   *OBJREF   0004

     DSPLY   *AUTL     0000

     DSPLY   *USE       3810

     DSPLY   *CHANGE   3F10

     DSPLY   *ALL       FF1C


Utilize the MI Authority Value Returned by the QSYCVTA API


The 2-byte MI authority value returned by the QSYCVTA API is useful when you're working with the test authority MI instructions, such as Test Authority (TESTAU) and Test User List Authority (TESTULA). It also can be used as one of the search criteria (the minimum required authority) when resolving a system pointer to an MI object via the Resolve System Pointer (RSLVSP) MI instruction. For example, the following RPG program (autbits02.rpgle) resolves a system pointer to a user space object (with MI object type code hex 1934) called SPCX in the library list that the current invocation has at least *CHANGE authority to!


     h dftactgrp(*no)


     /copy mih-ptr


     d qsycvta         pr                 extpgm('QSYCVTA')

     d     miaut                       2a

     d     spcval                     10a

     d     numval                     10u   0

     d     ec                           8a


     d spcx           s               *

     d aut_change     s             10a     inz('*CHANGE')

     d num             s             10u 0 inz(1)

     d ec             s             8a     inz(*allx'00')



           rslvsp_tmpl.obj_type = x'1934';

           rslvsp_tmpl.obj_name = 'SPCX';

           qsycvta( rslvsp_tmpl.auth

                 : aut_change

                 : num

                 : ec ); // Convert *CHANGE   to MI auth-value

           rslvsp2( spcx : rslvsp_tmpl );

             // Check SYSPTR spcx


           *inlr = *on;



The first user space object called SPCX in the library list of the current job that the current invocation has at least *CHANGE authority to will be resolved. If no such user space object is found, program AUTBITS02 will fail with an Object Not Found exception (hex 2201), aka MCH3401.

Convert MI Authority Values to Authority Special Values

Why do we need to convert MI authority values to authority special values defined at the OS level? Authority values returned by authorization management MI instructions are in the form of MI authority bits. Various authority fields we read in the encapsulated part of an MI object via the System Service Tools (SST) are also in the form of MI authority bits. When evaluating the value of a system pointer in a debug session, the authority bits in the system pointer are also in the form of MI authority bits.


Map MI Authority Bits to OS Level Authority Special Values


By using the above-shown output of program autbis01.rpgle in combination with the document on Authorization Management MI instructions in the Information Center, you can easily figure out the following mapping relationship from MI authority bits to OS-level authority special values.


Mapping Relationship from MI Authority Bits to OS-Level Authority Special Values

MI Authority Value

Authority Special Values

Authority Bits




Bit 0 = 1

Object existence   authority



Bit 1 = 1

Object management   authority



Bit 2 = 1, and bit 3   = 1

Object operational   authority (Authorized pointer plus space authority)



Bit 4 = 1

Read authority



Bit 5 = 1

Add authority



Bit 6 = 1

Delete authority



Bit 7 = 1

Update authority



Bit 9 = 1

Excluded. If this   value is specified, no other values can be specified.



Bit 10 = 1

Authority list   management



Bit 11 = 1

Execute authority



Bit 12 = 1

Object alter   authority



Bit 13 = 1

Object reference   authority




Authorization list   authority. If this value is specified, no other values can be specified. This   authority value is only valid for *PUBLIC authority on an object secured by   an authorization list.

System-Predefined Authority Special Values (*USE, *CHANGE, *ALL)














The algorithm of mapping an input 2-byte MI authority value to an OS-level authority special value is quite simple and straightforward. For example:

  1. 1.Check for *EXCLUDE and *AUTL authorities. If the input MI authority value is one of them, no further test is needed.
  2. 2.Check for one of the system-predefined authority special values: *USE, *CHANGE, and *ALL. If matches, no further test is needed.
  3. 3.Check whether bit 2 and bit 3 are both set. If so, the *OBJMGT authority is specified.
  4. 4.Check each of the other 10 authority bits. If an individual authority bit is set, record the corresponding special value.


The following example RPG procedure (cvt_auth_val), which is extracted from autbits03.rpgle, implements the above-shown algorithm. Procedure cvt_auth_val accepts an input 2-byte MI authority value and returns a list of converted OS-level authority special values via its second parameter, a data structure of type auth_val_lst_t.


     * Authority value list DS

     d auth_val_lst_t ds                 qualified

     d     num_auth                     5u   0

     d     auth_val                   10a     dim(11)

     * ... ...

     p cvt_auth_val   b

     d auth_bit_t     ds                 qualified

     d     mi_aut_bit                   2a

     d     auth_val                   10a



     d a1             ds                qualified

     d     c                           60a     inz(

     d                                       x'00405CC5E7C3D3E4C4C54040+

     d                                       00005CC1E4E3D34040404040+

     d                                     38105CE4E2C5404040404040+

     d                                     3F105CC3C8C1D5C7C5404040+

     d                                     FF1C5CC1D3D3404040404040'

     d                                     )

     d     arr                                 likeds(auth_bit_t)

     d                                     dim(5)

     d                                       overlay(c)

     * Auth constants array 2 (10 elements)



     d a2             ds                 qualified

     d     c                         120a   inz(

     d                                       x'80005CD6C2D1C5E7C9E2E340+

     d                                     40005CD6C2D1D4C7E3404040+

     d                                     08005CD9C5C1C44040404040+

     d                                     04005CC1C4C4404040404040+

     d                                       02005CC4D3E3404040404040+

     d                                     01005CE4D7C4404040404040+

     d                                       00205CC1E4E3D3D4C7E34040+

     d                                       00105CC5E7C5C3E4E3C54040+

     d                                     00085CD6C2D1C1D3E3C5D940+

     d                                    00045CD6C2D1D9C5C6404040')

     d     arr                                 likeds(auth_bit_t)

     d                                     dim(10)

     d                                       overlay(c)


     d i               s             5u 0


   d   cvt_auth_val   pi

     d     mi_aut_val                   2a

     d     auth_val_lst                       likeds(auth_val_lst_t)



           // *EXCLUDE, *AUTL and   system-predefined authorities:

           // *USE, *CHANGE, *ALL

           for i = 1 to 5;

               if mi_aut_val =   a1.arr(i).mi_aut_bit;

                   auth_val_lst.num_auth = 1;

                   auth_val_lst.auth_val(1) =






           // Test for *OBJOPR (hex 3000)

           auth_val_lst.num_auth = 0;

           if %bitand( mi_aut_val : x'3000' )   > x'0000';

               auth_val_lst.num_auth += 1;

               auth_val_lst.auth_val(1) =   '*OBJOPR';



           // Test for 10 indivisual   authorities

           for i = 1 to 10;

               if %bitand ( mi_aut_val :   a2.arr(i).mi_aut_bit )

                 > x'0000';

                   auth_val_lst.num_auth +=   1;

                   auth_val_lst.auth_val(auth_val_lst.num_auth)   =







     p                 e


A Real Example: Print the User Profiles Privately Authorized to an Object and Corresponding Private Authority Values


The Materialize Authorized Users (MATAUU) MI instruction materializes the authorization states in an MI object and the identification of the user profiles. The materialized authority states are in the form of MI authority bits. The following example RPG program (prtpraut.rpgle) materializes private authorized user profiles and corresponding private authority states with option hex 32, and converts the authority states to OS-level authority special values using the above-mentioned cvt_auth_val procedure.


   h dftactgrp(*no)

     fQSYSPRT   o     f 132       disk

     /copy mih-ptr

     /copy mih-prcthd

     /copy mih-auth

     /copy mih-pgmexec

     * Authority value list DS

     d auth_val_lst_t ds                 qualified

     d     num_auth                     5u   0

     d     auth_val                   10a     dim(11)

     * My prototype

     d i_main         pr                 extpgm('PRTPRAUT')

     d     obj_name                   10a

     d     obj_type                   10a

     * Convert MI authority bits to   authority special values

     d cvt_auth_val   pr                 extproc('cvt_auth_val')

     d     mi_aut_val                   2a

     d     auth_val_lst                       likeds(auth_val_lst_t)

     * A speical prototype for system   built-in _CALLPGMV

     d x                pr                 extproc('_CALLPGMV')

     d     callee                       *

     d     argv                         1a     options(*varsize)

     d     argc                       10u   0 value

     * Parameter list of QLICNV

     * 7a ex-type, 2a mi-type, 10a arrow

     d qlicnv_argv     ds

     d     ex_type                     7a

     d                               9a

     d     mi_type                     2a

     d                               14a

     d     arrow                       10a     inz('*SYMTOHEX')

     d                                 *

     * QLICNV's entry number in SEPT

     d QLICNV_ENTRY   c                   x'4A'


     d @pco           s               *

     d @sept           s               *   based(@pco)

     d sept            s               *   based(@sept)

     d                                       dim(7000)


     d obj             s               *

     * MATAUU option

     d mat_opt         s             1a     inz(x'32')

     * MATAUU materialization template

     d tmpl           ds                 likeds(matauu_tmpl_t)

     d                                       based(@tmpl)

     d authd           ds                 likeds(auth_desc_long_t)

     d                                       based(@authd)

     d len              s             10u 0

     d inx             s             10u 0

     d ws             s             1a

     d user           s             10a

     d prau           s           110a     based(@prau)

     d autlst         ds                 likeds(auth_val_lst_t)


     d i_main         pi

     d     obj_name                   10a

     d     obj_type                   10a



           // [1]

           // Call QLICNV to convert external   object type to MI object type

           ex_type = %subst(obj_type : 2 :   7);

           @pco = pcoptr2();   // [1.1] Locate SEPT

           x ( sept(QLICNV_ENTRY)

             : qlicnv_argv

             : 3 ); // [1.2] Call QLICNV via SEPT


           // [2] Resolve target object

           rslvsp_tmpl.obj_name = obj_name;

           rslvsp_tmpl.obj_type = mi_type;

           rslvsp2 (obj : rslvsp_tmpl);


           // [3] Materialize private   authorities in @var obj

           // [3.1] Allocate storage for the   materialization tmplate

           mat_opt = x'32';

           @tmpl = modasa(8);

           tmpl.bytes_in = 8;

           matauu(@tmpl : obj : mat_opt);

           len = tmpl.bytes_out;

           @tmpl = modasa(len);


           // [3.2]

           // Materialize private authorized   USRPRFs and

          // corresponding private authority   states

           tmpl.bytes_in = len;

           matauu(@tmpl : obj : mat_opt);


           except OBJREC;

           // [3.3] Check each entry returned   by MATAUU

           @authd = @tmpl +   %size(matauu_tmpl_t); // size=16

           for inx = 1 to   tmpl.num_private_users;

               // Set USER field in PRAUREC

               user = authd.usrprf_name;


               // [3.4] Convert MI auth-bits   to special values

               autlst.num_auth = 0;

              cvt_auth_val( authd.private_auth :   autlst);


               @prau = %addr(autlst) + 2; //   PRAU field in PRAUREC

               except PRAUREC;


               // Next entry

               @authd +=   %size(auth_desc_long_t);



          *inlr = *on;



     * Output record formats

     oQSYSPRT   e           OBJREC

     o                       obj_name

     o                       ws

     o                       obj_type

     * Private authority for a USRPRF

     oQSYSPRT   e           PRAUREC

     o                       user

     o                       ws

     o                       prau


     p cvt_auth_val   b

     * Contents of procedure cvt_auth_val is   omitted.

     p                 e



  • [1] Call the QLICNV API to convert an input external object type to MI object type. Note that the public authority of QLICNV is *EXCLUDE. Therefore, you should access it via its resolved system pointer in SEPT instead of resolving it via its symbolic identifier. This API was discussed in my article "Want to Know All the MI Object Types Supported by Your IBM i?"
  • [1.2] Note the definition of data structure qlicnv_argv. The QLICNV API accepts parameters passed by value. However, Call Program verbs in IBM i high-level languages do not support this kind of external program call. Here, a tiny trick is used to let the CALLPGMV system built-in to help us pass parameters to the QLICNV API by values.
  • [2] Resolve a system pointer to the target object.
  • [3] Materialize private authorities in the target object.
  • [3.4] Convert MI authority bits to OS-level authority special values via the cvt_auth_val procedure.


To test the PRTPRAUT program, you can create a User Space object and set one or more private authorities in it. For example:


/* Call QUSCRTUS to create   a User Space object called SPCABC */






                       'Test of PRTPRAUT')

/* Grant *USE and *ADD   authority for user profile X1 on SPCABC */



/* Grant *USE, *UPD, and   *DLT authority for user profile X2 on SPCABC */





Call PRTPRAUT to retrieve the private authority information of User Space SPCABC like this:




The resulting spooled file might look like the following:


SPCABC     *USRSPC                                        

X1           *OBJOPR   *READ     *ADD       *EXECUTE

X2        *OBJOPR   *READ       *DLT    *UPD       *EXECUTE


Junlei Li

Junlei Li is a programmer from Tianjin, China, with 10 years of experience in software design and programming. Junlei Li began programming under i5/OS (formerly known as AS/400, iSeries) in late 2005. He is familiar with most programming languages available on i5/OS—from special-purpose languages such as OPM/ILE RPG to CL to general-purpose languages such as C, C++, Java; from strong-typed languages to script languages such as QShell and REXX. One of his favorite programming languages on i5/OS is machine interface (MI) instructions, through which one can discover some of the internal behaviors of i5/OS and some of the highlights of i5/OS in terms of operating system design.


Junlei Li's Web site is, where his open-source project i5/OS Programmer's Toolkit ( is documented.



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