This tool enables the FndDDE program to easily find all numeric fields, which is a pre-req to finding field values that result in a decimal data error.
Have you ever had an application program that failed with message MCH1202 – Decimal data error? If not, good for you! But for everyone else, and there are many of us, this is one dreaded error message. Alex M. recently asked if a utility program could meet the following requirements:
- 1.Work with any externally described physical file defined using DDS
- 2.Identify all numeric fields, by name, whose current value would cause a MCH1202
- 3.Print the value of the numeric field that would cause a MCH1202
- 4.If a keyed physical file, print the key field values for the record containing the numeric field(s) in error
- 5.Print the relative record number of the record containing the numeric field(s) in error
Such a utility could be written using a variety of approaches. As this is the "API Corner," you shouldn't be too surprised to find that my solution is based on rather intensive use of system APIs. Over the next few API Corner articles, we will look at several APIs—some that have not been used in previous articles along with a few that we've seen before.
The first iteration of our utility program is shown below. The program name is Find Decimal Data Errors (FndDDE) and can, assuming you store the source in QRPGLESRC as member FNDDDE, be compiled using this command:
h DftActGrp(*No)
dFndDDE pr extpgm('FNDDDE')
d File_In 10a const
d Lib_In 10a const
dFndDDE pi
d File_In 10a const
d Lib_In 10a const
d CrtUsrSpc pr extpgm('QUSCRTUS')
d QualName 20a const
d XtndSpcAttr 10a const
d IntSize 10i 0 const
d IntValue 1a const
d PubAut 10a const
d Text 50a const
d Replace 10a const options(*nopass)
d ErrCde likeds(QUSEC)
d options(*nopass)
d Domain 10a const options(*nopass)
d TfrSiz 10i 0 const options(*nopass)
d OptSpcAlgn 1a const options(*nopass)
d GetFDefn pr
d LstFld pr extpgm('QUSLFLD')
d QualUsrSpc 20a const
d Format 8a const
d QualFileName 20a const
d RcdFmt 10a const
d OvrPrc 1a const
d ErrCde likeds(QUSEC)
d options(*nopass)
d RtvFD pr extpgm('QDBRTVFD')
d RcvVar 1a options(*varsize)
d LenRcvVar 10i 0 const
d QualNameRtn 20a
d Format 8a const
d QualFileName 20a const
d RcdFmt 10a const
d OvrPrc 1a const
d System 10a const
d FmtType 10a const
d ErrCde likeds(QUSEC)
d RtvUsrSpcPtr pr extpgm('QUSPTRUS')
d QualUsrSpc 20a const
d UsrSpcPtr *
d ErrCde likeds(QUSEC)
d SndEscMsg pr
d MsgID_In 7a const
d MsgDta_In 256a const
d SndPgmMsg pr extpgm('QMHSNDPM')
d MsgID 7a const
d MsgFile 20a const
d MsgDta 256a const options(*varsize)
d LenMsgDta 10i 0 const
d MsgType 10a const
d CSE 10a const options(*varsize )
d CSECtr 10i 0 const
d MsgKey 4a
d ErrCde likeds(QUSEC)
d options(*varsize)
d LenCSE 10i 0 const options(*nopass)
d QualCSE 20a const options(*nopass)
d WaitTime 10i 0 const options(*nopass)
d CSEDtaType 10a const options(*nopass)
d CCSID 10i 0 const options(*nopass)
d SndSysMsg pr
d MaxNbrNumFlds c const(1000)
d Packed c const(x'03')
d SpcSize c const(1048576)
d Zoned c const(x'02')
* Structures related to API QDBRTVFD
d myQDBQ25_Ptr s *
d myQDBQ25 ds likeds(QDBQ25)
d based(myQDBQ25_Ptr)
d myQDBQ36_Ptr s *
d myQDBQ36 ds likeds(QDBQ36)
d based(myQDBQ36_Ptr)
* Structures related to API QUSLFLD
d LstFldHdr_Ptr s *
d LstFldHdr ds likeds(QUSH0100)
d based(LstFldHdr_Ptr)
d LstFld100_Ptr s *
d LstFld100 ds likeds(QUSL0100)
d based(LstFld100_Ptr)
d CurNbrNumFlds s 5u 0
d NumFlds ds qualified
d NumFldsArray 21a dim(MaxNbrNumFlds)
d FldName 10a overlay(NumFldsArray :1)
d Bytes 5u 0 overlay(NumFldsArray :11)
d SrcAttr 7a overlay(NumFldsArray :13)
d Type 1a overlay(SrcAttr :1)
d Scale 3u 0 overlay(SrcAttr :2)
d Digits 3u 0 overlay(SrcAttr :3)
d 10i 0 overlay(SrcAttr :4)
d inz(0)
d BfrStrPos 5u 0 overlay(NumFldsArray :20)
d ErrCde ds qualified
d Hdr likeds(QUSEC)
d MsgDta 256a
d MsgDta s 256a
d MsgKey s 4a
d QualNameRtn s 20a
d RcdFmt s 10a
d X s 10i 0
/copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,qdbrtvfd
/copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,qusec
/copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,qusgen
/copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,quslfld
dsply ('List of ' +
%trimr(File_In) +
' fields to be tested:');
for X = 1 to CurNbrNumFlds;
dsply NumFlds.FldName(X);
dsply 'Press Enter to continue' ' ' MsgKey;
*inlr = *on;
// *****************************************************************
begsr *inzsr;
// Set API QUSEC parameter to send exceptions
QUSBPrv = 0;
// Set API ErrCde parameter to not send exceptions
ErrCde.Hdr.QUSBPrv = %size(ErrCde);
// Get list of File_In fields and field attributes
RtvUsrSpcPtr('QUSLFLD QTEMP' :LstFldHdr_Ptr :ErrCde);
if ErrCde.Hdr.QUSBAvl > 0;
if ErrCde.Hdr.QUSEI = 'CPF9801';
// Create user space if not found
CrtUsrSpc('QUSLFLD QTEMP' :' ' :SpcSize :x'00'
:'*ALL' :'UsrSpc for QUSLFLD output'
:'*YES' :QUSEC :'*USER' :0 :'1');
RtvUsrSpcPtr('QUSLFLD QTEMP' :LstFldHdr_Ptr :QUSEC);
// Any other error is a hard failure
:(File_In + Lib_In) :RcdFmt :'0' :QUSEC);
for X = 1 to LstFldHdr.QUSNbrLE;
if X = 1;
LstFld100_Ptr = LstFldHdr_Ptr + LstFldHdr.QUSOLD;
LstFld100_Ptr += LstFldHdr.QUSSEE;
// Load up numeric fields into NumFldsArray
when LstFld100.QUSDT = 'S';
CurNbrNumFlds += 1;
NumFlds.FldName(CurNbrNumFlds) = LstFld100.QUSFN02;
NumFlds.Bytes(CurNbrNumFlds) = LstFld100.QUSFLB;
NumFlds.Type(CurNbrNumFlds) = Zoned;
NumFlds.Scale(CurNbrNumFlds) = LstFld100.QUSDP;
NumFlds.Digits(CurNbrNumFlds) = LstFld100.QUSigits;
NumFlds.BfrStrPos(CurNbrNumFlds) = LstFld100.QUSIBP;
when LstFld100.QUSDT = 'P';
CurNbrNumFlds += 1;
NumFlds.FldName(CurNbrNumFlds) = LstFld100.QUSFN02;
NumFlds.Bytes(CurNbrNumFlds) = LstFld100.QUSFLB;
NumFlds.Type(CurNbrNumFlds) = Packed;
NumFlds.Scale(CurNbrNumFlds) = LstFld100.QUSDP;
NumFlds.Digits(CurNbrNumFlds) = LstFld100.QUSigits;
NumFlds.BfrStrPos(CurNbrNumFlds) = LstFld100.QUSIBP;
// Don't care about other types
p SndSysMsg b
d SndSysMsg pi
if ErrCde.Hdr.QUSBAvl <= 16;
SndEscMsg(ErrCde.Hdr.QUSEI :' ');
:%subst(ErrCde.MsgDta :1
:(ErrCde.Hdr.QUSBAvl - 16)));
p SndSysMsg e
p SndEscMsg b
d SndEscMsg pi
d MsgID_In 7a const
d MsgDta_In 256a const
:MsgDta_In :%len(%trimr(MsgDta_In))
:'*ESCAPE' :'*PGMBDY' :1
:MsgKey :QUSEC);
p SndEscMsg e
p GetFDefn b
d GetFDefn pi
// Get File_In definition and record format name
RtvUsrSpcPtr('QDBRTVFD QTEMP' :myQDBQ25_Ptr :ErrCde);
if ErrCde.Hdr.QUSBAvl > 0;
if ErrCde.Hdr.QUSEI = 'CPF9801';
// Create user space if not found
CrtUsrSpc('QDBRTVFD QTEMP' :' ' :SpcSize :x'00'
:'*ALL' :'UsrSpc for QDBRTVFD output'
:'*YES' :QUSEC :'*USER' :0 :'1');
// Any other error is a hard failure
RtvFD(myQDBQ25 :SpcSize :QualNameRtn :'FILD0100'
:(File_In + Lib_In) :'*FIRST' :'0' :'*LCL'
:'*EXT' :ErrCde);
if ErrCde.Hdr.QUSBAvl > 0;
if %bitand(%subst(myQDBQ25.QDBBits27 :1 :1) :x'20') = x'20';
MsgDta = %trimr(Lib_In) + '/' + %trimr(File_In) +
' is not a table/physical file. Command ended';
SndEscMsg('CPF9898' :MsgDta);
// Get record format name
myQDBQ36_Ptr = myQDBQ25_Ptr + myQDBQ25.QDBFOS;
RcdFmt = myQDBQ36.QDBFT01;
p GetFDefn e
The FndDDE program expects two parameters to be passed when it's called: File_In and Lib_In. The first parameter is the name of the file to be scanned for decimal data errors; the second is the library where the file can be located. The library parameter can be a library name or one of the special values *LIBL or *CURLIB.
In the initialization subroutine (*INZSR), the program first sets two instances of the standard API error code structure. The first instance, QUSEC, has the Error code Bytes Provided (QUSBPrv) field set to 0. This instance of the Error code structure is used when FndDDE is not anticipating any error being encountered by the called API. If the API finds an error, the API will send an escape message and FndDDE will end abnormally. The second instance, ErrCde, has the Error code Bytes Provided (ErrCde.Hdr.QUSBPrv) field set to the size of the ErrCde data structure. This size includes space for up to 256 bytes of error-related message replacement data. This instance of the Error code structure is used when FndDDE anticipates that some errors may be encountered by the called API. If the error is one that FndDDE will handle, then the program takes the appropriate action and continues. If the error is one that FndDDE is not prepared to handle, then the function SndSysMsg() is used to resend the error message as an escape, again causing FndDDE to end abnormally.
Anyplace in FndDDE you see the use of QUSEC as the error code parameter when calling an API, you can replace that with ErrCde and then, after calling the API, use the following test:
if ErrCde.Hdr.QUSBAvl > 0;
Using QUSEC in the manner described above is simply a way to avoid more code cluttering our discussion.
Having set the two instances of the API error code structure, FndDDE then calls the function GetFDefn(). For now, we'll just say that this function verifies that the file to be scanned for decimal data errors is indeed a physical file and sets field RcdFmt to the record format name associated with File_In. In the March timeframe, we'll look at the API being used—Retrieve Database File Definition (QDBRTVFD)—and what's being done in the code currently provided. Then we'll add quite a bit to our use of the QDBRTVFD API.
Following the call to GetFDefn(), the program prepares to use the List Fields (QUSLFLD) API, which is the meat of this article. The QUSLFLD API is a standard list-type API that returns a list of the fields defined within a database file along with many of the attributes associated with each field. These attributes include information such as the name of the field, the data type (character, packed decimal, zoned decimal, date, timestamp, etc.) of the field, edit codes and edit words associated with numeric fields, and column headings for the field. If you are not familiar with list-type APIs, you may want to refer to the IBM Information Center. In addition, there are earlier API Corner articles, such as "Finding Modules in a *SRVPGM" (Part 2 of a series of articles under the general name of "Module, Module, Who's Got My Module?") that introduce you to the processing of list API output.
If FndDDE is to test each numeric field of every record in a file to determine if the current value would generate a decimal data error, then QUSLFLD provides an easy way of having the system tell us what fields in a given file are defined as numeric.
To prepare for calling the QUSLFLD API, FndDDE first attempts to get a pointer (LstFldHdr_Ptr) to the user space QUSLFLD in QTEMP using the Retrieve Pointer to User Space (QUSPTRUS) API (prototyped as RtvUsrSpcPtr). The name of the user space can be any valid name, and I chose to use the API name just to help document what the user space is being used for. In this case, the QUSLFLD user space will be used to hold the output of the QUSLFLD API. If RtvUsrSpcPtr() returns with no error (ErrCde.Hdr.QUSBAvl = 0), then the user space currently exists in QTEMP (most likely from a previous call to FndDDE) and FndDDE will simply reuse the user space.
If RtvUsrSpcPtr() returns an error (ErrCde.Hdr.QUSBAvl is greater than 0), then the error message sent by the API is examined. If the message ID (ErrCde.Hdr.QUSEI) is CPF9801 – Object in library not found, then FndDDE creates the user space using the Create User Space (QUSCRTUS) API (prototyped as CrtUsrSpc) and again calls RtvUsrSpcPtr() to get a pointer to the (now created) user space. If any unexpected error is encountered (the first use of RtvUsrSpcPtr resulting in an error other than CPF9801, an error when creating the user space, or an error in obtaining a pointer with the second use of RtvUsrSpcPtr), then an escape message ends the program.
Having obtained a pointer to the user space, FndDDE now calls the QUSLFLD API (prototyped as LstFld) and falls into a FOR loop to process each list entry returned by the API. Within the FOR loop, each field is examined to determine if its data type is zoned decimal (field LstFld100.QUSDT is the value 'S') or packed decimal (LstFld100.QUSDT is the value 'P'). If the field is one of these two data types, then the field's name (LstFld100.QUSFN02), length in bytes (LstFld100.FLD), type, decimal position (LstFld100.QUSDP), number of digits (LstFld100.QUSigits), and starting position within the record (LstFld100.QUSIBP) are copied to an entry in the array NumFldsArray (Numeric Fields Array). During this processing, there is also some mapping of data values being performed in that zoned decimal fields are set to a type of x'02' rather than the 'S' returned by the QUSLFLD API, packed decimal fields are set to a type of x'03' rather than 'P', and both the decimal positions and digits values are stored as 1-byte integer values rather than the 4-byte integer values returned by QUSLFLD.
The copying of the zoned decimal and packed decimal field information to a separate array is to avoid having to process all of the field definitions (the character fields, integer fields, etc.) for every record read by FndDDE. FndDDE can now simply loop through the NumFldsArray in order to locate all fields within a record that might have a decimal data error. The mapping of values is done for a reason that will become clear in the January API Corner—namely, getting everything ready to call another API.
You may have noticed that not all numeric fields are being copied to NumFldsArray. This is because the numeric data types of binary/integer and floating point do not cause decimal data errors. Other types of errors are possible, but not MCH1202s.
Having loaded all zoned decimal and packed decimal fields into NumFldsArray, the initialization subroutine returns to the main procedure of the program. The main procedure currently enters into a FOR loop to DSPLY the names of all the numeric fields found in NumFldArray. Next month, we'll be replacing this display of the field names with the actual testing of each NumFldArray named field across all records read from the file specified by variables File_In and Lib_In. For now, the main procedure simply provides a testing mechanism for you to see what fields have been selected for testing within the initialization subroutine.
To test FndDDE, we'll create a keyed physical file. The file name will be DDEData, for Decimal Data Error Data, and the following DDS defines the file/record layout.
Assuming that the previous DDS source is stored in member DDEDATA of source file QDDSSRC, you can create DDEData with this command:
DDEData defines a record format named Record, which is keyed by the character field SomeKey. There are two alphanumeric fields defined (besides SomeKey): ChrFld1 and ChrFld2; three zoned decimal fields: ZndFld1, ZondFld2, and ZndFld3; and two packed decimal fields: PkdFld1 and PkdFld2. Next month, we'll populate DDEData with both "good" and "bad" data in order to test the ability of the FndDDE program to find decimal data errors. For now using the command CALL PGM(FndDDE) PARM(DDEData *Libl) should result in a display similar to what's shown below.
DSPLY List of DDEDATA fields to be tested:
DSPLY Press Enter to continue
To conduct additional testing of FndDDE, you can also, for any externally described physical file X in library Y, see what fields of X would be selected for testing by running this command:
As usual, if you have any API questions, send them to me at
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