Easily Identify What Message a Job Is Waiting On

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With the QUSRJOBI and QMHRCVM APIs and MONBCH2, you know exactly what the message is and how to reply.


In a previous article, "Keep Those Batch Jobs Running (Or How to Enjoy Your Off Time)," we saw how to detect when a batch job was waiting for a message to be replied to and how to inform a user of that situation. In that introductory article, we simply sent a generic message indicating that job X was waiting for a response to a message. In this article, we'll enhance the MONBCH program and inform the operator of which exact message the job is waiting on. Note that this enhancement to MONBCH will use a V6R1 feature that is not available on previous releases.


The new program, MONBCH2, is shown below with the functional changes highlighted.


h dftactgrp(*no)                                                     


dMonBch2          pr                  extpgm('MONBCH2')              

dMonBch2          pi                                                 


dSetup            pr              *                                  

dDelay            pr                                                 

dProcessMsgW      pr                                                 


dListJob          pr                  extpgm('QSYS/QUSLJOB')         

d SpcName                       20    const                          

d Format                         8    const                           

d JobName                       26    const                          

d Status                        10    const                          

d QUSEC                               likeds(QUSEC) options(*nopass) 

d JobType                        1    const options(*nopass)         

d NbrKeyFlds                    10i 0 const options(*nopass)         

d KeyFlds                             likeds(KeyFlds) options(*nopass) 

d ContinHdl                     48    const options(*nopass)           


dSndDtaQMsg       pr                  extpgm('QSYS/QSNDDTAQ')          

d DtaQName                      10    const                            

d DtaQLib                       10    const                            

d DataLen                        5  0 const                            

d Data                       65535    const options(*varsize)          

d KeyLen                         3  0 const options(*nopass)           

d KeyValue                   65535    const options(*varsize :*nopass) 

d Asynch                        10    const options(*nopass)           

d JrnEntry                      10    const options(*nopass)           


 /copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,qusgen                                        

 /copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,qusljob                                       

 /copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,qusec                                         


dGenHdr           ds                  likeds(QUSH0100)              

d                                     based(GenHdrPtr)              


dLstEntry         ds                  likeds(QUSL020001)            

d                                     based(LstPtr)                 


dAttrEntry        ds                  likeds(QUSLKF)                

d                                     based(AttrPtr)                


dKeyFlds          ds                                                 

d KeyValues                     10i 0 dim(25)                       


dUsrSpcName       ds                                                

d Name                          10    inz('MONBCHLJOB')             

d Library                       10    inz('QTEMP')                  


dJobsToList       ds                                                

d JobName                       10    inz('*ALL')               

d JobUser                       10    inz('*ALL')               

d JobNbr                         6    inz('*ALL')               


dDtaQMsg          ds                                            

d DtaQJobName                   10                              

d                                1                              

d DtaQJobUsr                    10                              

d                                1                              

d DtaQJobNbr                     6                              

d                                1    inz(':')                  

d DtaQMsgID                      7                               

d                                1                              

d DtaQMsgTxt                   256                              


dPSDS            sds           429    qualified                  

d Line                   21     28                              

d MsgID                  40     46                                  

d ExcpDta                91    170                                  

d JobName               244    253                                   

d JobUser               254    263                                  

d JobNbr                264    269                                  


dLstCount         s             10i 0                               

dAttrCount        s             10i 0                               

dAttrValue        s            100    based(AtrValPtr)              

dNbrKeyFlds       s             10i 0                                

dContinue         s               n   inz(*on)                      

dMonBchCtl        s              1    dtaara('VININGTST/MONBCHCTL') 


dDtaQName         c                   'MESSAGES'                    

dDtaQLib          c                   'VININGTST'                   






  GenHdrPtr = Setup();                                               


  dow Continue;                                                     

      ListJob( UsrSpcName :'JOBL0200' :JobsToList :'*ACTIVE'        

              :QUSEC :'B' :NbrKeyFlds :KeyFlds :*blanks);           


      // Check to see if the list is complete                       

      if (GenHdr.QUSIS = 'C') or (GenHdr.QUSIS = 'P');              


         // Get to the first list entry and process the list        

         LstPtr = GenHdrPtr + GenHdr.QUSOLD;                        


         for LstCount = 1 to GenHdr.QUSNBRLE;                       

             // Get first attribute and process all returned        

             if LstEntry.QUSJIS = ' ';                                 

                AttrPtr = LstPtr + %size(QUSL020001);                  

                for AttrCount = 1 to LstEntry.QUSNBRFR;                

                    AtrValPtr = AttrPtr + %size(QUSLKF);               


                       when AttrEntry.QUSKF = 0101;                    

                            if %subst(AttrValue :1 :AttrEntry.QUSLD00) 

                                 = 'MSGW';                             




                    AttrPtr += AttrEntry.QUSLFIR;                       



             LstPtr += GenHdr.QUSSEE;                                  




         DtaQJobName = PSDS.JobName;                                    

         DtaQJobUsr = PSDS.JobUser;                                    

         DtaQJobNbr = PSDS.JobNbr;                                     

         DtaQMsgID = *blanks;                                          

         DtaQMsgTxt =                                                   

                   'MONBCH is unable to access batch job information.';

         SndDtaQMsg( DtaQName :DtaQLib :%len(%trimr(DtaQMsg)):DtaQMsg);

         *inlr = *on;                                                   





  *inlr = *on;                                                         




     DtaQJobName = PSDS.JobName;                                     

     DtaQJobUsr = PSDS.JobUser;                                      

     DtaQJobNbr = PSDS.JobNbr;                                        

     DtaQMsgID = *blanks;                                            

     DtaQMsgTxt = 'Job failed at statement ' + PSDS.Line +           

                  ' with message ' + PSDS.MsgID +                    

                  ': ' + PSDS.ExcpDta;                               

     SndDtaQMsg( DtaQName :DtaQLib :%len(%trimr(DtaQMsg)) :DtaQMsg); 










pProcessMsgW      b                                                  


dProcessMsgW      pr                                                 

dProcessMsgW      pi                                                  


dRJobI            pr                  extpgm('QSYS/QUSRJOBI')        

d RcvVar                         1    options(*varsize)              

d LenRcvVar                     10i 0 const                          

d Format                         8    const                          

d JobID                         26    const                          

d IntJobID                      16    const                           

d QUSEC                               likeds(QUSEC) options(*nopass) 

d ResetStats                     1    const options(*nopass)         


dRcvMsg           pr                  extpgm('QSYS/QMHRCVM')         

d RcvVar                         1    options(*varsize)              

d LenRcvVar                     10i 0 const                          

d Format                         8    const                      

d QualMsgQ                      20    const                      

d MsgType                       10    const                      

d MsgKey                         4    const                      

d WaitTime                      10i 0 const                       

d MsgAction                     10    const                      

d QUSEC                               likeds(QUSEC)              

d CCSID                         10i 0 const options(*nopass)     

d AlwDftRspRjct                 10    const options(*nopass)     


 /copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,qmhrcvm                                 

 /copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,qusrjobi                               


dMHRcvVar         ds                  likeds(QMHM0200)             

d                                     based(MHRcvVarPtr)           


dMsgTxt           s          32767    based(MsgTxtPtr)             





  RJobI ( QUSI020000 :%size(QUSI020000) :'JOBI0200' :'*INT'        

         :LstEntry.QUSIJI00 :QUSEC);                               

  if ((QUSMR01 = '1') and (QUSMK <> *loval));                      

     DtaQJobName = QUSJN03;                                         

     DtaQJobUsr = QUSUN03;                                         

     DtaQJobNbr = QUSJNBR03;                                       


     RcvMsg( QMHM0200 :8 :'RCVM0200' :(QUSMQ + QUSMQLIB) :'*INQ'       

            :QUSMK :0 :'*SAME' :QUSEC);                                

     MHRcvVarPtr = %alloc(QMHBAVL01);                                  

     RcvMsg( MHRcvVar :QMHBAVL01 :'RCVM0200' :(QUSMQ + QUSMQLIB)       

            :'*INQ' :QUSMK :0 :'*SAME' :QUSEC);                        

     DtaQMsgID = MHRcvVar.QMHMI02;                                     

     MsgTxtPtr = (%addr(MHRcvVar) +%size(QMHM0200) +MHRcvVar.QMHLDRTN);

     if MHRcvVar.QMHLMRTN <= %size(DtaQMsgTxt);                        

        DtaQMsgTxt = *blanks;                                          

        DtaQMsgTxt = %subst(MsgTxt :1 :MHRcvVar.QMHLMRTN);             


        DtaQMsgTxt = %subst(MsgTxt :1 :%size(DtaQMsgTxt));             


     SndDtaQMsg( DtaQName :DtaQLib :%len(%trimr(DtaQMsg)) :DtaQMsg);   

     dealloc MHRcvVarPtr;                                              









pProcessMsgW      e                                                    




pDelay            b                                                    


dDelay            pr                                                    

dDelay            pi                                                   


dSleep            pr            10u 0 extproc('sleep')                 

d Seconds                       10u 0 value                            


dTimeToEnd        c                   'E'                              

dSecsPerMin       c                   60                           

dMinsToDly        c                   1                            




  in MonBchCtl;                                                    

  if MonBchCtl = TimeToEnd;                                        

     Continue = *off;                                              




  Sleep(SecsPerMin * MinsToDly);                                   


  in MonBchCtl;                                                    

  if MonBchCtl = TimeToEnd;                                        

     Continue = *off;                                               







pDelay            e                                                




pSetup            b                                                


dSetup            pr              *                                

dSetup            pi              *                                


dCrtUsrSpc        pr                  extpgm('QSYS/QUSCRTUS')      

d SpcName                       20    const                        

d SpcAttr                       10    const                        

d SpcSiz                        10i 0 const                           

d SpcVal                         1    const                           

d SpcAut                        10    const                           

d SpcTxt                        50    const                            

d SpcRpl                        10    const options(*nopass)          

d QUSEC                               likeds(QUSEC) options(*nopass)  

d SpcDmn                        10    const options(*nopass)          

d SpcTfrSiz                     10i 0 const options(*nopass)          

d SpcOptAln                      1    const options(*nopass)          


dRtvSpcPtr        pr                  extpgm('QSYS/QUSPTRUS')         

d UsrSpcName                    20                                    

d UsrSpcPtr                       *                                   

d QUSEC                               likeds(QUSEC) options(*nopass)  


dUsrSpcPtr        s               *                                   




  // Set API error code structure to return exception messages         

  QUSBPRV = 0;                                                         


  // Set the job attribute key values                                  

  KeyValues(1) = 0101;            // Active job status                 

  NbrKeyFlds = 1;                                                      


  // Create a *USRSPC to hold the list of jobs                         

  CrtUsrSpc(UsrSpcName :' ' :1 :x'00' :'*EXCLUDE' :' ' :'*YES' :QUSEC);


  // Retrieve a pointer to the *USRSPC                                 

  RtvSpcPtr(UsrSpcName :UsrSpcPtr :QUSEC);                             


  // Return the pointer to the *USRSPC                                 

  return UsrSpcPtr;                                                    




pSetup            e                                  


As you can see, the major functional change is in the ProcessMsgW procedure. There is, however, a change in the format of the message being sent by MONBCH2, and we'll discuss that first.


The original MONBCH program sent a message informing the operator that a given job was waiting on a message. As this message was of our own creation, we simply imbedded the simple job name within the message text. With MONBCH2, we are now sending the actual message text for the message needing a reply. We no longer have the luxury of simply imbedding the job name in the message text. To allow the operator to know what job needs a message reply, MONBCH2 has removed the original MsgTxt variable and replaced it with the data structure DtaQMsg. Within the DtaQMsg structure are the subfields DtaQJobName, DtaQJobUsr, and DtaQJobNbr, which will be used to identify what job is in a message wait condition. The fourth subfield, DtaQMsgID, will contain the message ID of the message needing a reply, and the fifth subfield, DtaQMsgTxt, will contain the first 256 bytes of the message text. Note that this size of 256 bytes is totally arbitrary. I chose this size as it should be sufficient to hold the first-level text of most messages. You should certainly feel free to increase this size.


Due to this change from MsgTxt to DtaQMsg, MONBCH2 needs minor changes in the way it sends messages related to two things: the QUSLJOB API returning incomplete or partial information, and internal failures within MONBCH2. The remaining changes to MONBCH2 are in the ProcessMsgQ procedure. In addition to using the Send Data Queue Message (QSNDDTAQ) API to send a message to the MESSAGES data queue, ProcessMsgW is now using two additional APIs.


The first, Retrieve Job Information, or QUSRJOBI, retrieves job information such as job attributes and performance data about a specific job. It is this API that has been enhanced in V6R1 so that it also now returns information on what message a job is waiting on. The V6R1 documentation for QUSRJOBI can be found here, with the parameter list provided below.

Retrieve Job Information (QUSRJOBI) API


Required Parameter Group:


Receiver variable




Length of receiver variable




Format name




Qualified job name




Internal job identifier



Optional Parameter Group 1:


Error code



Optional Parameter Group 2:


Reset performance statistics



  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Conditional

As this API is a standard retrieve type API, we won't spend a lot of time discussing it. One important point is that format JOBI0200 now returns information on the message a job is waiting on. The additions to this format are shown below, where having the auxiliary storage pool containing the message queue library (QUSQLASP), a qualified message queue name (QUSMQ and QUSMQLIB), and a message key (QUSMK) provide MONBCH2 with direct access to the message.


DQUSI020000       DS                                             

D*                                             Qwc JOBI0200       


D QUSMR01               191    191                             

D*                                             Message Reply   

D QUSMK                 192    195                                    

D*                                             Message Key            

D QUSMQ                 196    205                                    

D*                                             Message Queue          

D QUSMQLIB              206    215                                    

D*                                             Message Queue Library  

D QUSQLASP              216    225                                    

D*                                             Message Queue Lib ASP  


A second important point (or at least important if you are generally interested in performance) is the fifth parameter for QUSRJOBI. Rather than passing in a qualified job name to identify to QUSRJOBI the job you want to retrieve information about, you can instead use an internal job identifier. This internal job identifier provides faster access to a job's information and is a piece of information that the QUSLJOB API returns to us in field LstEntry.QUSIJI00. MONBCH2 uses this internal job identifier for demonstration purposes. In reality, you won't notice much difference between using a qualified job name and using an internal job identifier with MONBCH2 as the program is only using QUSRJOBI in the exception case of a batch job waiting on a message. But the performance advantage could make a difference if, in a different scenario, you were accessing information on every job on the system.


Prior to calling QUSRJOBI, ProcessMsgW sets a monitor. Since the list of jobs returned by QUSLJOB is static and potentially large, it is possible that the job waiting on the message is no longer active. The monitor is set to catch any error returned by QUSRJOBI and allows us to simply skip over the list entry.


After calling QUSRJOBI, ProcessMsgW also verifies that the job is still waiting on a message (QUSMR01 = '1') and that the wait is for a specific message (QUSMK <> *loval). This is done for two reasons. First, as mentioned before, the list of jobs returned by QUSLJOB is static and potentially large. A job that had been waiting for a message reply when QUSLJOB last ran may no longer be waiting for the reply by the time MONBCH2 processes the list entry. As we don't want to be notifying an operator about a condition that no longer exists, we check to see if the job is still waiting. Second, a job can be waiting for a specific message or any message to appear on a message queue. The QUSMK check is to make sure there is one specific message that the job is waiting for. If the job is waiting on a specific message, ProcessMsgW updates the appropriate subfields of the DtaQMsg data structure to identify the job to the operator and then calls the Receive Nonprogram Message (QMHRCVM) API using the message key and qualified message queue name returned by QUSRJOBI. The documentation for QMHRCVM can be found here with the parameter list repeated below.

Receive Nonprogram Message (QMHRCVM) API


Required Parameter Group:


Message information




Length of message information




Format name




Qualified message queue name




Message type




Message key




Wait time




Message action




Error code



Optional Parameter Group 1:


Coded character set identifier



Optional Parameter Group 2:


Allow default reply rejection



  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes


As with QUSRJOBI, QMHRCVM is a standard retrieve type API, so we will not spend time going through the details of how the API works. ProcessMsgW is requesting that information about the inquiry message, which is identified by the Message key and Qualified message queue parameters, be returned using format RCVM0200. These are the pertinent subfields of format RCVM0200 from the QSYSINC include:


DQMHM0200         DS                                            

D*                                             Qmh Rcvm RCVM0200

D QMHBRTN00               1      4B 0                            

D*                                             Bytes Returned   

D QMHBAVL01               5      8B 0                           

D*                                             Bytes Available  


D QMHMI02                13     19                         

D*                                             Message Id  


D QMHLDRTN              153    156B 0                            

D*                                             Length Data Returned


D QMHLMRTN              161    164B 0                            

D*                                             Length Message Returned


D*QMHMT03               177    177            

D*                             Varying length 

D*QMHSSAGE              178    178             

D*                             Varying length 


As we don't know the size of the message to be returned when we call QMHRCVM, we call the API twice. We first call it with a Length of message information parameter value of 8. This is just sufficient for the API to return the Bytes returned and Bytes available fields of format RCVM0200. Bytes available tells us how many bytes are needed to receive all of the message-related information, and ProcessMsgW then allocates storage of this size and calls the QMHRCVM API a second time, using the newly allocated Message information parameter and the updated Length of message information parameter. We now have all of the information associated with the message.


ProcessMsgW first updates the DtaQMsgID subfield of DtaQMsg to the message ID of the message (QMHMI02). The procedure then calculates where in the returned information the text of the message can be found. With most system APIs, this would be a simple matter of taking the address of the Message information parameter and adding a provided Offset to message text value. Unfortunately, QMHRCVM is a rather old API (V2R1.1) and doesn't provide an offset. Instead, we need to calculate it by understanding the layout of format RCVM0200.


Format RCVM0200 starts with a series of fixed-length fields. These fields are QMHBRTN00 (Bytes returned) through QMHLHAVL (the length of help text available with the message). Following QMHLHAVL are several variable-length fields that are commented out in the QSYSINC include. The first variable-length field, QMHMT03, is the replacement data associated with the message. The actual length of the replacement data is returned in variable QMHLDRTN. Following QMHMT03 is QMHSSAGE, the actual message text. The length of the message text is returned in variable QMHLMRTN. Given this information, we can then calculate where the first byte of the message text is by taking the address of the Message information parameter (MHRcvVar), adding the size of the fixed-length fields (%size(QMHM0200)), and then adding the length of the replacement data (QMHLDRTN). This value is then stored in the pointer variable MsgTxtPtr, which is the basing pointer for the variable MsgTxt.


Having established addressability to the message text, we now move the text to the DtaQMsgTxt subfield of the DtaQMsg data structure and send the data structure to the MESSAGES data queue. When moving the message text returned by QMHRCVM, we do check to see if the length of the message text (QMHLMRTN) is less than the size of DtaQMsgTxt. If that is the case, we first set DtaQMsgTxt to *blanks in order to avoid having any residual data from a previously processed message appear in the current DtaQMsgTxt data structure. If the length of the returned message text is greater than the size of DtaQMsgTxt, then we truncate the message to the size of DtaQMsgTxt.


Two points of caution related to this truncation of the returned message text: the first is related to double-byte character set (DBCS) support. If your system is using translated DBCS national language versions, then it is possible that the truncation of the returned message text may cause a DBCS character string, imbedded in the message, to not be ended by a shift in control. In this situation, you should use the Truncate Character Data (QLGTRDTA) API to truncate the returned message to a properly formed string that is then stored in DtaQMsgTxt. Documentation for the QLGTRDTA API can be found here. The second area of concern is if your system is running in a visual bi-directional language environment. In this situation, you may want to use the Coded character set identifier parameter of the QMHRCVM API to request a conversion to a logical CCSID.


This wraps up our discussion of determining what message a given job is waiting on. Hopefully, this discussion will assist many of you in your day-to-day processing. Along the way, we've also looked at several APIs that could be used to enable a wide variety of applications, the monitoring of batch jobs being only one example. In most data processing endeavors, when it comes to solving your business problems, I believe it's more important to know what is available to you than to know a specific implementation.


Meanwhile, if you have other API questions, send them to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I'll see what I can do about answering your burning questions in future columns.


Bruce Vining

Bruce Vining is president and co-founder of Bruce Vining Services, LLC, a firm providing contract programming and consulting services to the System i community. He began his career in 1979 as an IBM Systems Engineer in St. Louis, Missouri, and then transferred to Rochester, Minnesota, in 1985, where he continues to reside. From 1992 until leaving IBM in 2007, Bruce was a member of the System Design Control Group responsible for OS/400 and i5/OS areas such as System APIs, Globalization, and Software Serviceability. He is also the designer of Control Language for Files (CLF).A frequent speaker and writer, Bruce can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

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