The Way We Word: User Forms Help Mail Merge Automation

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In my first article on integrating iSeries data into a mail merge, I showed you how to set up a data source, a query, and a merge document that would all work together. In the second article, I showed you how to start automating that process with a VB script that asks the user for a ZIP code and modifies the query used to merge the data.

In this article, I'll show you how to enhance the level of automation by adding a user form to your MS Word VBA project. This form will allow users to go beyond the simple interactions of the earlier articles to set up more complicated queries to retrieve data. You can also incorporate more robust error checking, which will help the user get through the process. The goal is to be able to provide users with a form that asks them what data they want, and then have that data delivered automatically.

Back to the Future, Part 1!

This article assumes that you know how to work in forms in Visual Basic, how to add controls to forms, and how to set properties. If you don't, you may have difficulty following along. It might be good to look at the Help topics presented by the VB editor. Start reading about and playing around with some of this stuff. Remember, we learn by doing.

Now, to start, refer back to the CustomerLabels document from last month's column. For today's lesson, I've added to the query by including the field CSAL, which represents the salesman number. I've also added the field CSAL to the document. To add fields to your query, bring up the Mail Merge Wizard (Tools/Mail Merge) and click the Edit button next to the data source, or you can click the Edit Data Source button on the Merge toolbar. Then, add the field to the document.

I've found that it's easier with mailing labels to simply create a new document using the data source I've already created. The steps are fairly simple and are detailed in my previous column.

inFORMing the User

In today's project, you're adding a user form so that you can offer more selection options to the user. To do this, open the VB editor (Alt+F11 from Word) and either right-click in the Project Explorer and choose Insert/User Form, or choose User Form on the Insert menu. When the form is added, name it frmCustSelect.

Now, you have to add controls to the form. Do this by using the Controls toolbox that comes up when you are working with the form. Here are the controls I added, going from the top to the bottom:

Control Name
Caption or [Comment]
Select based on Zip Codes:
Zip Code Options
Option Button
Zip Codes Starting With:
Text Box
[This is the text box to the right of optZipStartsWith]
Option Button
Zip Codes Between:
Text Box
[This is the first text box to the immediate right of optZipBetween]
Text Box
[This is the text box to the right of txtZipBetweenLower, following Label1]
Select based on Salesman Number
Salesman Options
Option Button
Rep Numbers Between:
Text Box
[This is the text box to the immediate right of optRepBetween]
Text Box
[This is the text box to the right of txtRepBetweenLower, following Label2]
Option Button
Rep Number Equal To:
Text Box
[Text box to the right of optRepEqual]
Option Button
Comma delimited list of rep numbers:
Text Box
[Large text box below optRepList, this text box has it's multiline property set to true.]
Command Button
Merge to New Document
Command Button
Merge to Printer
Command Button

The form should now look like the one shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: This is what your form should end up looking like.

You might wonder why you'd use frames. Good question! In this form, the frames serve as a container for the controls that live inside the frame. Option buttons have a special attribute: Only one option button within a container can be selected. If you didn't use frames to contain the option buttons that relate to one another, you'd only be able to select one of the option buttons on the form. Since you want to select one of the two relating to ZIP codes, and/or one of the two relating to rep numbers, you contain them in frames. The effect is that only one option button in each frame can be selected.

enCODEing the Form

Since all the action takes place in your form, your module code looks a little different from what was built in the last column. Please see Figure 2:

Public SQLCmdText As String
Public bCancelMerge As Boolean
Public sMergeTarget As String

Sub GetZipandMerge()
Dim sZipCode As String
Dim bZipError As Boolean

bCancelMerge = False
frmCustSelect.Show vbModal

If bCancelMerge Then Exit Sub

On Error GoTo errorMain

ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.QueryString = SQLCmdText

With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
    Select Case sMergeTarget
           Case "DOCUMENT"
                .Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
           Case "PRINTER"
                .Destination = wdSendToPrinter
    End Select
End With

Exit Sub

  MsgBox Err.Description & "  Perhaps there aren't any matching records?", vbOKOnly

End Sub

Figure 2: This is the module code for your form.

The real difference is the new global variables. You've declared SQLCmdText, bCancelMerge, and sMergeTarget as public variables so that your form can use them to execute your macro.

SQLCmdText will store your SQL statement, bCancelMerge will be True for cancel and False otherwise, and sMergeTarget will be "PRINTER" or "DOCUMENT", depending on what happens in your form.

You'll notice that the first thing you do is show the form, and you do it modally, meaning that the code in the GetZipandMerge subroutine won't continue to execute until the form unloads. Once that happens, you check the value of bCancelMerge, and bail if it's True. If it's False, you set the QueryString to the value of SQLCmdText and establish the merge target based on sMergeTarget. This is followed by the execution of the merge, same as last time.

All of these variables are set by code in the user form you added earlier. The form's code is shown in Figure 3.

Option Explicit
Const sDialogTitle As String = "AutoMerge"
Dim arRepList() As String

Private Function formValid() As Boolean
Dim lIDX As Long
Dim bUseAnd As Boolean

formValid = True

           & "RCML01.CAD2, RCML01.CAD3, " _
           & "RCML01.CSTE, RCML01.CZIP, RCML01.CSAL " _
           & "FROM ANTIGUA1.BPCS405CDF.RCML01 RCML01 " _
           & "WHERE "

bUseAnd = False

If Not chkZipCodes And Not chkRepSelect Then
   MsgBox "Please choose selection by zip code, selection by salesman, or both.", _
          vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
   formValid = False
   Exit Function
End If

If chkZipCodes Then
   If Not optZIPStartsWith And Not optZIPBetween Then
      MsgBox "You have selected zip codes as a selection criteria. " _
           & "Please select either zip codes starting with or zip codes " _
           & "between and provide those values.", vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
      formValid = False
      Exit Function
    End If
    If optZIPStartsWith Then
       If Not IsNumeric(txtZipStart) Then
          MsgBox "Zip code must be a number.  Please enter the first few " _
               & "characters of a valid zip code.", vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
          formValid = False
          Exit Function
       End If
       If bUseAnd Then
          SQLCmdText = SQLCmdText & " AND "
          bUseAnd = True
       End If
       SQLCmdText = SQLCmdText & "RCML01.CZIP LIKE '" & txtZipStart & "%'"
    End If
    If optZIPBetween Then
       If Not IsNumeric(txtZipBetweenLower) Then
          MsgBox "Lower zip code of range must be a number.  Please enter " _
               & "a valid lower zip code.", vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
          formValid = False
          Exit Function
       End If
       If Not IsNumeric(txtZipBetweenUpper) Then
          MsgBox "Upper zip code of range must be a number.  Please enter " _
               & "a valid upper zip code.", vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
          formValid = False
          Exit Function
       End If
       If Len(txtZipBetweenLower) < 5 Then
          MsgBox "Lower zip code of range must be at least 5 characters. " _
               & "Please enter a valid lower zip code.", vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
          formValid = False
          Exit Function
       End If
       If Len(txtZipBetweenUpper) < 5 Then
          MsgBox "Upper zip code of range must be at least 5 characters. " _
               & "Please enter a valid upper zip code.", vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
          formValid = False
          Exit Function
       End If
       If CLng(txtZipBetweenUpper) < CLng(txtZipBetweenLower) Then
          MsgBox "Lower zip code of range must be less than upper " _
               & "zip code of range.  Please make an adjustment.", _
               vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
          formValid = False
          Exit Function
       End If
       If bUseAnd Then
          SQLCmdText = SQLCmdText & " AND "
          bUseAnd = True
       End If
       SQLCmdText = SQLCmdText & "RCML01.CZIP BETWEEN '" & txtZipBetweenLower _
                  & "' AND '" & txtZipBetweenUpper & "'"
    End If
End If

If chkRepSelect Then
   If Not optRepBetween And Not optRepEqual And Not optRepList Then
      MsgBox "You have selected salesman number as a selection criteria. " _
           & "Please select either rep number range, rep number, or a rep " _
           & "number list. ", vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
      formValid = False
      Exit Function
    End If
    If optRepBetween Then
       If Not IsNumeric(txtRepBetweenLower) Then
          MsgBox "Lower rep number of range must be a number.  Please enter " _
               & "a valid lower rep number.", vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
          formValid = False
          Exit Function
       End If
       If Not IsNumeric(txtRepBetweenUpper) Then
          MsgBox "Upper rep number of range must be a number.  Please enter " _
               & "a valid upper rep number.", vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
          formValid = False
          Exit Function
       End If
       If CLng(txtRepBetweenUpper) < CLng(txtRepBetweenLower) Then
          MsgBox "Lower rep number of range must be less than upper " _
               & "rep number of range.  Please make an adjustment.", _
               vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
          formValid = False
          Exit Function
       End If
       If bUseAnd Then
          SQLCmdText = SQLCmdText & " AND "
          bUseAnd = True
       End If
       SQLCmdText = SQLCmdText & "RCML01.CSAL BETWEEN " & txtRepBetweenLower _
                  & " AND " & txtRepBetweenUpper
    End If
    If optRepEqual Then
       If Not IsNumeric(txtRepEqual) Then
          MsgBox "Rep number must be a number.  Please enter a valid rep " _
               & "number.", vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
          formValid = False
          Exit Function
       End If
       If bUseAnd Then
          SQLCmdText = SQLCmdText & " AND "
          bUseAnd = True
       End If
       SQLCmdText = SQLCmdText & "RCML01.CSAL = " & txtRepEqual
    End If
    If optRepList Then
       Erase arRepList
       arRepList = Split(txtRepList, ",")
       For lIDX = LBound(arRepList) To UBound(arRepList)
           If Not IsNumeric(arRepList(lIDX)) Then
              MsgBox "Rep numbers in the list must be numeric.  Please correct " _
                   & "your list.", vbOKOnly, sDialogTitle
              formValid = False
              Exit Function
           End If
       If bUseAnd Then
          SQLCmdText = SQLCmdText & " AND "
          bUseAnd = True
       End If
       SQLCmdText = SQLCmdText & "("
       For lIDX = LBound(arRepList) To UBound(arRepList) - 1
           SQLCmdText = SQLCmdText & "RCML01.CSAL = " & arRepList(lIDX) & " OR "
       SQLCmdText = SQLCmdText & "RCML01.CSAL = " & arRepList(lIDX) & ")"
    End If
End If

End Function

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()

bCancelMerge = True
Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdMergeToNew_Click()

If Not formValid() Then Exit Sub

sMergeTarget = "DOCUMENT"
Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdMergeToPrinter_Click()

If Not formValid() Then Exit Sub
sMergeTarget = "PRINTER"
Unload Me

End Sub

Figure 3: This is the code for the user form.

Let's start at the top. First, you use Option Explicit to mandate that all variables must be declared. This is a good habit, because it prevents mis-keyed variable names from getting you all screwed up. Then you set up a constant called sDialogTitle with the value "AutoMerge". Since you'll be using the MsgBox method a lot in your error checking, you'll use the constant as a message box title. Change the constant to change the title. You'll use the string array arRepList to store a list of rep numbers.

All of the action here is in the function formValid(), which is called by both the cmdMergeToPrinter and cmdMergeToNew click events. When your user clicks the command button, the click event is triggered.

First, formValid() returns True or False, and your command buttons respond like a high school football coach: "No pass, no play." Then, formValid() sets up the beginning of the SQLCmdText string and adds to it as it validates. I don't think it's necessary to go through each bit of code (you've gotten this far, so you must be able to read), but I will go over one or two special points.

The validation function starts by assuming that our values will pass, so it sets its return value to True. It then proceeds to check the items on the form for general validity, and if a test fails, the program talks to the user with the MsgBox function, sets the focus of the control that failed, sets formValid() to False, and exits the function. Note that only those items that are selected are tested.

As it finds conditions that pass, formValid() incrementally builds the SQLCmdText string. If you want to see what the string contains, put MsgBox SQLCmdText at the end of the function.

And then you push a button. If you push the Cancel button, the form sets bCancelMerge to True and unloads the form. The macro GetZipandMerge reacts to that by bailing as soon as it gets control back.

If you push the Merge to Printer or the Merge to New Document button, and formValid() returns True, the value of sMergeTarget is set to "PRINTER" or "DOCUMENT" (respectively), and the form unloads. GetZipandMerge reacts to that by setting the QueryString to SQLCmdText, setting the document's merge target property appropriately and executing the merge.

One point to bear in mind is the use of the split function to separate the comma-delimited list stored in txtRepList. Split won't work in Word versions prior to 2000, so if you're working with Office 95 or 97 products, you'll have to build your own function to parse the list and separate the items into the array for processing.

You can also rename GetZipandMerge to AutoExec, and it will execute when the document is opened.

You also want to keep the form clean. What if users change their minds about the options they've selected? Leaving the values they've typed in place can be confusing. To keep things neat, clean, and less confusing for the user, you can use the click events of the various check boxes and option buttons to clear the text fields of the unselected options. The code in Figure 4 does that.

Private Sub chkZipCodes_Click()

If Not chkZipCodes Then
   optZIPBetween = False
   optZIPStartsWith = False
   txtZipBetweenLower = ""
   txtZipBetweenUpper = ""
   txtZipStart = ""
End If

End Sub
Private Sub optRepBetween_Click()

If optRepBetween Then
   txtRepEqual = ""
   txtRepList = ""
End If

End Sub

Private Sub optRepEqual_Click()

If optRepEqual Then
   txtRepBetweenLower = ""
   txtRepBetweenUpper = ""
   txtRepList = ""
End If

End Sub

Private Sub optRepList_Click()

If optRepList Then
   txtRepBetweenLower = ""
   txtRepBetweenUpper = ""
   txtRepEqual = ""
End If

End Sub

Private Sub optZIPBetween_Click()

If optZIPBetween Then
   txtZipStart = ""
End If

End Sub

Private Sub optZIPStartsWith_Click()

If optZIPStartsWith Then
   txtZipBetweenLower = ""
   txtZipBetweenUpper = ""
End If

End Sub

Figure 4: This code allows users to clear the text fields.

Now you know how to automate a Word mail merge based on iSeries data. So the next time the phone rings and someone is screaming for labels, you can say, "Dude, put some Avery 5162 labels in your printer, look at your network shared documents drive, and open CustomerLabels.doc. Fill in the form and press Go."

This of course, frees up your time to practice for the all-important network DOOM contest!

If you are an IT Manager and you are reading this, you can be assured that your people aren't playing DOOM on the network. That was a joke.

DOOM is past its time....

Chris Devous is the Director of IT Systems Development at The Antigua Group, Inc., a Peoria, Arizona, garment manufacturer. Chris has been in IT since '82 and lives Arizona with his wife, three children, a bird, two dogs, a cat, and various marine life forms. He can be reached by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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