Be careful when using the ENDCNN parameter of the Sign Off (SIGNOFF) command. We changed the command default on two of our six AS/400s to ENDCNN(*YES) so we could end pass-through when signing off from a remote system, but it caused some problems. Changing the command default affected all instances of the SIGNOFF command for all users.
If you have Client Access or NetSoft router users who use a display station emulation session, this parameter abnormally terminates your APPC connections to the AS/400. You have to restart your router connections to get back into the system. This is a big problem if you're connected to multiple systems concurrently, since all connections to all systems have to be restarted. My suggestion would be to copy the SIGNOFF command to a user-defined command, change this one, and use it selectively for specific applications or users.
-Bob Terry
MC Press Online