You can start the debugger from CODE/400 without prompting by pressing Ctrl-D. The debugger will be invoked right away. Unfortunately, if you press Ctrl-D by accident, you cannot cancel it until everything is loaded. Fortunately, you can make sure the debugger always prompts you.
The subdirectory c:codemacros has *.LXL files that are loaded according to the type of source code you want to edit. For example, if you want to edit an RPG/400 program, look in the file RPG400.LXL that is loaded before the source member. In this file, you'll find information such as which macro is assigned to which key.
To make the debugger always prompt you when you press Ctrl-D, find the following line and remove the /N:
You can do the same for other files, such as CLP400.LXL, RPGLE400.LXL, and RPG4SQL.LXL.
? Jan Jorgensen
MC Press Online