To create a program object, open the Templates folder generally found in your OS/2 System folder. Locate the Program template and right click your mouse to select it, but dont release the mouse yet. Drag the template out of the folder onto your desktop and release the button. You will now see an OS/2 notebook setting for the new program object, similar to Figure 1.
Specify the appropriate location of the REXX logon command you created from the code example. In this illustration, the command is LOGO5250.CMD in the root C: directory. The LOGO5250 program requires three parameters: the emulator session, the user ID, and the password. In this example, the REXX EHLLAPI program will type the user ID, myUserId, and password, MyPswd, into emulator session C. Substitute parameters appropriate for your own logon sequence for the parameters used in this example.
You can click the General tab in the settings notebook if you want to name the program object, but that is not strictly necessary. You can also edit the associated icon, but that is not necessary at this point. When youve completed your updates, close the settings notebook.
You should now see the program object on your desktop (Figure 2). To automatically logon, ensure that your emulator session is active. Automation is then just a double click away.
Figure 1: OS/2 Notebook Settings for New Program Object Figure 2: The Completed Program Object on the Desktop
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