Q. When changing receivers at-tached to my journal and then trying to delete the old journal receiver, I keep getting message CPA7025: "Receiver never fully saved (I C)." I'd like to ignore this error or answer it with the default IGNORE. Sounds simple, eh?
The system ignores a MONMSG CPA7025 command; a SNDRPY or RCVMSG does nothing at all. I added the commands to the save CL so that I know the library that contains the receiver is saved before the delete receiver is run, to no avail. Did IBM actually decide that this one message requires human intervention-no matter what? Is there really no way to ignore this error message?
A. You could use the system reply list to take care of this annoying message. For example:
This adds an automatic reply of "I" (ignore) to message CPA7025, in sequence 500 of the system reply list. If sequence 500 is already used, use another number. To view your system reply list, user the Work with Reply List Entry (WRKRPYLE) command.
Now all you need to do is make your job pay attention to the system reply list. You do that with the CHGJOB command, specifying INQMSGRPY(*SYSRPYL). You can specify this in the job description, which would save you from having to repeat the CHGJOB command for every job, every time.
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