IBM® i2® Intelligence Analysis Platform delivers an extensible, scalable, and collaborative environment supporting operational intelligence sharing and faster, more informed decision-making across the enterprise. Version 3.0.11:
- Simplifies the i2 Intelligence Analysis Platform architecture and deployment experience by:
- oDelivering a simplified product architecture that reduces system complexity and hardware requirements to help lower ongoing maintenance costs.
- oEnabling services consultants to deploy the i2 Intelligence Analysis Platform and its prerequisites more rapidly to help improve time to value.
- oAssisting services consultants to migrate from i2 Intelligence Analysis Platform installations on V3.0.5, or later, to the new, simplified architecture. This improvement allows organizations with existing installations to also benefit from the lower hardware and maintenance costs.
- oProviding a deployment and startup health monitor to help services consultants resolve start up issues more easily and further reduce deployment times.
- Enhances the usability and security of the Intelligence Portal by:
- oAllowing analysts to select the number of items per page in the Intelligence Portal. This enhancement improves analyst productivity by simplifying the task of selecting large numbers of items to be deleted from or added to a set of items.
- oPreventing unauthorized access by allowing the analyst to explicitly log out of the Portal and reducing the risk of information exposure by clearing the Portal display if the analyst is inactive for a specified user inactivity period, where supported by the deployment security configuration.
- Introduces an analysis web client and information store for search, discovery, visualization, and analysis. The analysis web client helps enable analysts to:
- oCreate charts and use peacock and grouped layouts to visualize networks and discover patterns and relationships.
- oSave charts to local file systems from the analysis web client and share them with IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook users for further analysis or to disseminate the intelligence they have produced.
- oOpen i2 Analyst's Notebook charts in the analysis web client so they can leverage existing intelligence products in new investigations.
- oRun exact match text searches across the information store and add the results to a chart in a single interface to avoid delays and complexity owing to switching between tools for different stages of analysis.
The information store also enables services consultants to incorporate large volumes of analysis-ready data, potentially from multiple data sources, into a centralized data store to allow analysts to search and chart that information from the analysis web client.
These enhancements combine to provide an i2 Intelligence Analysis Platform that is more quickly and easily deployed than ever before while at the same time providing a repository for large amounts of analysis-ready data that can be searched and charted in a single web interface.
IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium builds on the capabilities of i2 Analyst's Notebook by adding a local analysis repository and capabilities for enhanced data management, information discovery, and charting to address the increasing volumes of data. Version 8.9.13:
- Increases analyst productivity by reducing the number of user interactions required to complete tasks by:
- oEnabling users to select the number of items per page in the grid view, simplifying the selection of larger numbers of items for deletion, or adding to a set.
- oAllowing users to chart selected items or results lists directly in to a new chart instead of to the current chart.
- oEnabling users to perform chart and expand operations in a single command.
- oHighlighting potential overlapping information by automatically creating a set for items that are merged during an import process.
- oOffering additional post-import options to directly open sets that have been created for imported items, potential duplicate items, or merged items sets.
- oDistinguishing to a user between deleted and restricted items that have been charted.
- Enhances security when connected to the i2 Intelligence Analysis Platform and supported by the deployment security configuration. i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium can now help reduce the risk of information exposure by clearing the Portal display if the analyst is inactive for a specified period of time.
Find out more here.
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